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Beauty is the harmonious coexistence of purpose and form.

The birth of modernism explosively transformed human lifestyles and aesthetic systems, nurturing and catalyzing the emergence and evolution of numerous styles. This influence spans a wide range of fields, including architecture, art, culture, and industrial design. In this collection, C2H4®  explores the sense of balance in an ideal environment, reflecting modernism's admiration for technology as well as postmodernism's emphasis on the romantic spirit of the human role within technology. The 010 "Aviation II" collection portrays the attire of people in this ideal environment.

010 - Crooked Hoodie

010 - Crooked Hoodie

$ 300
010 - Duplex Tailored Trackpants

010 - Duplex Tailored Trackpants

$ 420
010 - Paneled Sweat Jeans

010 - Paneled Sweat Jeans

$ 468
010 - Muddy Work Pants

010 - Muddy Work Pants

$ 540
010 - Lounger Layered Pants

010 - Lounger Layered Pants

$ 575
010 - Voyage Ballcaps

010 - Voyage Ballcaps

$ 108
010 - Voyage Ballcaps

010 - Voyage Ballcaps

$ 108
010 - C2H4 Airline Pouch

010 - C2H4 Airline Pouch

$ 130
010 - Oversized Monsieur Coat

010 - Oversized Monsieur Coat

$ 1,560
010 - Mechanist Quilted Worker Jacket

010 - Mechanist Quilted Worker Jacket

$ 708
010 - Aviation Motorbike Jacket

010 - Aviation Motorbike Jacket

$ 840
010 - Texas Leather Jacket

010 - Texas Leather Jacket

$ 575
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